November  9-13,  2020 Eagle Eye

Checkout our November 9-13 Eagle Eye

Conference Details: Friday, November 13th Parent-Teacher Conf., NO SCHOOL for K-6th grade and NO afternoon session for 7th – 12th grade. 

Metrics Update: The governor’s most recent announcement on Friday provided several encouraging changes for students and their parents across our state.  The impact of these new developments was unpacked in several meetings this week.  If you would like to read it in its entirety you can read the 90-page Ready Schools Safe Learners.  All new updates are listed in the first few pages and are in green font throughout the document.  I will also be providing some updates, which will be posted on our website over the weekend.

Pallets and Wood needed for woodshop projects: If you have pallets or wood you would be willing to donate for woodshop projects, please contact Mr. Colburn at