Our Beliefs

Our Statement of Faith

Our Mission

To call people to follow Jesus and become like Him.

Our Vision

Damascus Community Church strives to be a:

  • Home: A Christ-centered community where you want to belong.

  • Haven: A refuge to find healing in Christ.

  • Hub: A center for training and sending disciples for Christ's mission.

Our Values

Truth: We value God’s absolute truth, discovered through Creation (general revelation) and the Scriptures (special revelation). Therefore we:

  • Teach God’s truth, through ministries of biblical education.

  • Walk in God’s truth, seeking to grow in holiness and practice integrity.

Love: We value the love God has for us and accept his command for us to love God, one another, and our neighbor. Therefore we:

  • Worship God, growing in our faith, service, and willingness to sacrifice.

  • Practice redemptive grace in relationships, caring for, encouraging, and building up one another.

  • Reach out with service, sacrifice, and the Good News of Jesus to our neighbors.

Growth: We value growth as the necessary outcome of fulfilling our mission. Therefore we:

  • Pursue personal growth through spiritual disciplines and relationships in the body.

  • Pursue church growth that is spiritual (likeness to Jesus) and numerical (new believers), expanding ministries and the facilities needed to enable them.

Faith: We value faith as the foundation of our relationship to God. Therefore we:

  • Believe God for a promised and guaranteed eternal future (our hope).

  • Believe God for a near future under His guidance by the Holy Spirit.

  • Live in gratitude for God’s faithfulness and willingly sacrifice to participate in achieving His desired future.

Community: We value community, involving all the various relationships we live in. Therefore we:

  • Seek to strengthen the community of God’s people at DCC through active involvement, serving according to God’s gifting as believers.

  • Honor and encourage the family as God has established it.