August 9, 2020
Ladies....The deadline is fast approaching!!!! Now is the time to register. Click the link below for easy registration.
Our speaker this year is Lorri Moses and the topic is...

August 8, 2020
We are now 5 months into our experience with the COVID-19 pandemic as we held our last in person worship service on March 8. And thanks to the Lord’s grace and protection, our chu...

August 5, 2020
For many years, DCC has supported and partnered with the NOE Centers in Mexico.
This year, because of COVID-19, they will be holding their annual running fundraiser in a diffe...

August 2, 2020
Thank you for your interest in joining us for our upcoming outdoor & in-person Sunday worship Services.
Our first outdoor service will be a Communion Service, Sunday, Au...
August 2, 2020
In Psalm 22, in the midst of his distress, David is encouraged by praise “in the great assembly.” As we are frustrated by the inability to praise together in a “great assembly” of...

July 30, 2020
Typically, the month of July ends with DCC participating in the community's annual Day in Damascus festival, which also marks the beginning of promotion for DCC's annual car show,...
July 26, 2020
In Psalm 51, after confessing his sin against a holy God, David declares in faith “a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” Building on Faith is growing in our...

July 22, 2020
Dear DCC Church Family - Last spring, the Elders and Staff sought your input regarding regathering as a church body. On the basis of the input received and the restrictions we ...
July 19, 2020
Today, Sunday July 19th, Wil and Liz Lampinen will be deployed for service on mission to Mexico. Wil is the son of a missionary couple sent out by DCC in the 1990’s, a DCS graduat...
July 13, 2020
As the Temple was completed, it was filled with the “glory-cloud” of the LORD “…so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud…” (2 Chronicles 5:14). Pray t...
July 8, 2020
Last Sunday, over 85 members of the DCC family congregated (in groups under 25, socially-distanced, of course) on the DCC campus for 4 identical communion services. It was a grea...

July 5, 2020
The Temple, the “house of God”, was a place of fellowship, joy, and praise for the Psalmist (Psalm 42:4). Today church facilities serve this function. Pray for opportunity to on...

June 28, 2020
Yesterday afternoon (June 27), over 20* members of the Damascus Community Church family gathered together in Parklane Park in Rockwood, alongside dozens of members of Rockwood-are...
June 28, 2020
The sad summary of King Saul’s service is rendered in these words: “ He did not seek guidance from the LORD . (1 Chronicles 10:14) Prayer for God’s will regarding any aspect of m...
June 27, 2020
The trouble is, we can’t read one another’s mind, and we can’t know another person’s heart. We experience this when we are surprised by what someone says—they reveal something un...

June 21, 2020
In follow-up to the Caleb Study, IGC has recommended we hire a director of development. This person would plan and coordinate a capital campaign and fundraising efforts, communic...

June 18, 2020
We need to address the events of our day as people of faith in Jesus Christ.
Just when we thought heaven might come down, Hell broke loose. It is the strategy of the prince of ...
June 14, 2020
Based on input from the body, IGC recommends development of a campus master plan which would anticipate construction in phases to reach the goal of facilities that will better sup...