October 5, 2019
Discipleship fulfills the “great commission”, and the DCC mission as we have stated it “to call people to follow Jesus and become like Him.” Many of the ministries we have engaged...
October 5, 2019
In case you do not receive the weekly DCC electronic Newsletter, you can sign up for it at the following link:
September 28, 2019
In Luke 19 Jesus told a parable to the crowds who were thinking “the kingdom of God was to appear immediately.” The master said to his servants, “Engage in business until I come”...
September 21, 2019
What’s Next?
Damascus Community Church is a wide array of ministries, from worship services to Sunday and daily Christian education (Damascus Christian School), from local to...
September 18, 2019
What’s Next? Damascus Community Church is actually a wide array of ministries, from worship to Sunday and daily Christian education (Damascus Christian School), from local to i...
September 14, 2019
“ Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you ” (1 Chronicles 28:20). We might anticipate as David did these “project killers”—fear and discouragement....
September 9, 2019
“David summoned all the officials of Israel to assemble at Jerusalem…” (1 Chronicles 28:1). He had made preparations, appointed leaders, and called them together for an update on...
August 31, 2019
In 1 Chronicles 28:8 David charges the appointed leaders, in anticipation of building the temple, “ …observe and seek out all the commands of the LORD your God… ”. That is, the...
August 27, 2019
Due to technical difficulties streaming of the services on August 25th was unavailable. However the first service was recorded and uploaded to the DCC YouTube site. Also part of t...
August 25, 2019
It is very interesting that after David recounts what he has done to ready resources for the building of the Temple (1 Chronicles 22), the next thing he does (chapters 23-27) is o...
August 18, 2019
Stephen Ministers help people in times of need. If you want to learn how to be a Stephen Minister, a new Stephen Ministry Training Class will begin Wednesday, September 18 and c...
August 16, 2019
“I have taken great
pains to provide for the temple of the LORD…”
(1 Chronicles 22:14). Once again,
we see David sacrificially doing what he can to make sure all the re...
August 10, 2019
“I will not…sacrifice a burnt offering that costs me nothing” (1 Chronicles 21:24). As God brought David to build an altar at the future site of the temple (2 Chron. 3:1), Davi...
August 3, 2019
“But they soon forgot his works; they did not wait for his counsel” (Psalm 106:13). See the error of God’s people in two directions: Neglecting the evidence of his past prov...
July 29, 2019
Have you experienced the loss of a loved one? Please, know that you are not alone. There is healing power through Christ, and the support of others. We are so sorry for your lo...
July 28, 2019
8:15 & 11:00 am • Worship Services/Nursery/
Children’s Church
9:45-10:45 am • Sunday School for Pre-K & K;
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, a...
July 28, 2019
“Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the LORD gave Moses for Israel”
(1 Chronicles 22:13, NIV).
As David charged Solomon w...
July 24, 2019
Hello DCC Family!
After three months of being away, I will be back in the saddle this Sunday and introducing this song, Great I Am. Give it a listen and we'll see you on Sund...
July 23, 2019
Sports and Art Camp was a great success. There were about 180 campers there each day. The gospel was shared and some responded. The volunteers did a great job making things r...
July 20, 2019
"Abigail Appeals to an Avenger to Save a Fool". Ladies study on 1 Samuel 25, Wednesday, July 31st, from 9:30-11:15 AM! DSM MOVE, July 29th-August 2nd, Incoming 9th-12th graders...